Design Template: Small

  • Estimate: One day to a week

  • Notes:

    • When creating the issue, use the label design-estimated-SM
    • Useful when design resources are short, but the project needs to be moved forward. In this case, a small, consultive effort may be undertaken, a problem is small enough to require only design guidance

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## Design process

  - Estimate: One day to a week
  - Weighting factors:
    - Note: A small issue should not be high impact and high certainty.
    - HIGH|MEDIUM|LOW risk
    - HIGH|MEDIUM|LOW clarity

  ### Discover
  - [ ] Existing customer feedback - Link
  - [ ] Product and/or engineering provide direction and/or feedback

  ### Define
  - [ ] GitHub issue
  - [ ] Design challenge

  ### Design
  - [ ] Low fidelity design - Link
  - [ ] High fidelity design using design system - Figma
  - [ ] Non-visual design guidance captured in the issue
  - [ ] Prototype - Link
  - [ ] Designer review

  ### Testing
  - [ ] Hallway testing - Link
  - [ ] task based evaluation - Link

  ### Deliver
  - [ ] Loom - Link
  - [ ] Team review
  - [ ] Design team review
  - [ ] QA - Link

  ### Measure
  - [ ] Metrics defined in the Figma file ([i]( - Link
  - [ ] Followup task will analyze metrics to ensure successful completion - Link

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